
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra is an internationally renowned symphony orchestra with a rich history which spans over more than 250 years. The orchestra has a busy concert schedule, a substantial outreach programme and strong international presence through tours, recordings and the concert streaming service The orchestra is owned by Musikkselskapet Harmonien, which also runs Bergen Philharmonic Chorus and Bergen Philharmonic Youth Orchestra.

The Karsten Andersen Programme for young conductors


Please see Norwegian site

Solo and alternating solo flute

Treblåsergruppa På Fløien I Profil I. Foto Oddleiv Apneseth

Application deadline: 4 May
Audition: June 16
Appointment: by mutual agreement

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra seeks solo flute and alternating solo flute (two vacancies). 

You have:

  • Outstanding musical and artistic abilities. 
  • Good cooperation and ensemble skills. 
  • Good leadership skills, socially and artistically. 

In addition to musical duties, the solo flute will work as group leader for the four members of the flute section. You will ensure that services and part assignments are distributed evenly amongst group members as well as determine the need for any substitutes or extras. As a link between the flute section, the conductor, and the administration, the solo flute will make certain that the group can perform to the best of its abilities at all times. 

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra is also seeking an enthusiastic musician to fill the position of Alternating solo flute. In addition to musical duties, you will also collaborate with other members of the flute section in order to create a healthy social and work environment.


The salary for the position is regulated by the collective agreement between CREO - the union for arts and culture and Musikkselskapet Harmonien, and will depend on seniority.  
Solo flute: Min. NOK 741.990 annualy. 
Alternating solo flute: Min. NOK 724.020 annualy

As a member of our orchestra, you will be eligible for benefits under the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden), which provides financial support for residents including cash benefits for illness/disability, family support, pensions and healthcare coverage. 

How to apply: 

To apply, please complete the below application form adding a link to the pre-qualification round video. A jury will consider the applications once the deadline has passed. The video round should be considered as a first round, and only highly qualified candidates will be invited to audition.

Pre-qualification round video

The candidates record a video of the following repertoire. 

  • Mozart: Flute Concerto in G major, Exposition from mvmt. 1 with cadenza, with or without accompaniment. 
  • Orchestral excerpts can be downloaded here

The video must be recorded in one continuous take and must not be edited. The order should be as listed above.

You must remain visible throughout the take. You can take your time in between the pieces to tune and adjust if necessary, but the camera must be on the whole time.

A smartphone is adequate for the video recording. Ensure that the overall sound level of the recording is good. If you use a microphone, make sure it is placed with a suitable distance from your instrument. Film in landscape mode. You and the whole instrument must be visible at all times. 

The video must be uploaded on YouTube, mark it as ‘not listed’ and paste the link to the video in the application form below. Videos submitted in any other way will be rejected.


For those invited to audition


  • Mozart: Flute Concerto in G major, mvmt. 1 with cadenza
  • Nielsen: Flute Concerto, mvmt 1
  • Orchestral excerpts and chamber music can be downloaded here

All communication with the candidates will be done by email.
Please be aware that our emails might be in your spam folder. 

If you have questions, please get in touch with the orchestra personell managers:
Aslak Bjørge Hermstad (+47 97122883) or Vidar Olsen (+47 90109247) or by email to


Kontaktinformasjon / Contact information
Referanse / Reference

Vennligst legg inn kontaktinfo til noen vi kan ta kontakt med for å bli bedre kjent med deg som person. Den kan være en overordnet, orkesterregissør, tidligere arbeidsgiver, en kollega eller samarbeidspartner. Den bør kjenne deg fra en profesjonell sammenheng og de behøver ikke å være fra et orkester eller ensemble. Det trenger ikke å være noen fra din nåværende jobb.

Please provide contact info for someone we can call to learn more about you as a person. It can be a supervisor, orchestra manager, employer, collegue or collaborator. They should know you from a professional setting, and do not have to be from an orchestra or ensemble. It does not have to be someone from your current employer, as we do understand that you will be selective of who knows that you are applying.


You will not receive an email confirmation after delivering. All applicants wil in stead get a confirmation after the application deadline has passed.

Tutti viola

Bratsjgruppa Paa Floeien Med Utsikt Over Byen Foto Oddleiv Apneseth

Application deadline and video round: 12 May
Audition: 18 June
Appointment: By mutual agreement

Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra is looking for a tutti viola. 

You have:

  • Outstanding musical and artistic abilities. 
  • Good cooperation and ensemble skills. 


The salary for the position is regulated by the collective agreement between Creo - the union for arts and culture and Musikkselskapet Harmonien, and will depend on seniority.  
Min. NOK 685.430 pr year. 

As a member of our orchestra, you will be eligible for benefits under the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme (Folketrygden), which provides financial support for residents including cash benefits for illness/disability, family support, pensions and healthcare coverage. 

How to apply: 

To apply, please complete the below application form adding a link to the pre-qualification round video. A jury will consider the applications once the deadline has passed. The video round should be considered as a first round, and only highly qualified candidates will be invited to audition.

Pre-qualification round video

The candidates record a video of the following repertoire. 

The video must be recorded in one continuous take and must not be edited. The order should be as listed above.

You must remain visible throughout the take. You can take your time in between the pieces to tune and adjust if necessary, but the camera must be on the whole time.

A smartphone is adequate for the video recording. Ensure that the overall sound level of the recording is good. If you use a microphone, make sure it is placed with a suitable distance from your instrument. Film in landscape mode. You and the whole instrument must be visible at all times. 

The video must be uploaded on YouTube, mark it as ‘not listed’ and paste the link to the video in the application form below. Videos submitted in any other way will be rejected.


For those invited to audition


All communication with the candidates will be done by email.
Please be aware that our emails might be in your spam folder. 

If you have questions, please get in touch with the orchestra personell managers:
Aslak Bjørge Hermstad (+47 97122883) or Vidar Olsen (+47 90109247) or by email to


Kontaktinformasjon / Contact information
Referanse / Reference

Vennligst legg inn kontaktinfo til noen vi kan ta kontakt med for å bli bedre kjent med deg som person. Den kan være en overordnet, orkesterregissør, tidligere arbeidsgiver, en kollega eller samarbeidspartner. Den bør kjenne deg fra en profesjonell sammenheng og de behøver ikke å være fra et orkester eller ensemble. Det trenger ikke å være noen fra din nåværende jobb, og vi skjønner at du vil være selektiv mtp hvem som vet at du søker jobb.

Please provide contact info for someone we can call to learn more about you as a person. It can be a supervisor, orchestra manager, employer, collegue or collaborator. They should know you from a professional setting, and do not have to be from an orchestra or ensemble. It does not have to be someone from your current employer, as we do understand that you will be selective of who knows that you are applying.


You will not receive an email confirmation after delivering. All applicants will get a confirmation after the application deadline has passed.